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Eye care resourcesEducational materials


Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is an irritation or inflammation of the conjunctiva, which covers the white part of the eyeball. It can be caused by allergies or a bacterial or viral infection. Conjunctivitis can be extremely contagious, and is spread by contact with eye secretions from someone who is infected.




Glaucoma is a disorder associated with high pressure inside the eye that causes damage to the optic nerve which carries information from the eye to the brain. Glaucoma usually has few or no symptoms. If untreated, glaucoma causes peripheral vision loss and can eventually lead to blindness.



Macular degeneration.

There is no cure for ocular degeneration but treatments can help.
Macular degeneration causes loss in the center of the field of vision. In dry macular degeneration, the center of the retina deteriorates. With wet macular degeneration, leaky blood vessels grow under the retina.
Blurred vision is a key symptom.


diabetic eye disease

Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the tissue at the back of the eye (retina). Poorly controlled blood sugar is a risk factor.
Early symptoms include floaters, blurriness, dark areas of vision, and difficulty perceiving colors. Blindness can occur.


Helpful advice on common issues.


Allergies can affect the eyes, causing red, itchy, burning, and watery eyes and swollen eyelids. The good news is that treatment is available.

Sleeping in contacts

It happens, we know first hand! But the truth is your eyes need oxygen from the air. When you combine a Closedeyelid and a barrier from a contact lens the oxygen is critically reduced which significantly increases chances of infection.

more questions?

If your question is more specific, please call us at 571.458.3515 or e-mail us at conceptvision2020@gmail.com. We are glad to help.
